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Gynecologist. Dr. Emine Özel 0.0.1
Sesame Works
With your questions with this application ingynecology find the answers.- ABOUT -Open the About section gynecologist. Dr. Sure you can find generalinformation about private. In this section, resume containsinformation about clinical applications and articles.- CALCULATION -The calculation section can calculate when your baby will beborn.- CURIOUS -You can get information about the questions and have been wonderingsection, you can review the pregnancy week by week pregnancyprocess title. In this section, complaints pregnancy, IVF,pregnancy, pap smear tests performed in pregnancy tests and normal/ caesarean section contains information about the birth.- PREGNANCY and CHILDBIRTH -With Pregnancy and Childbirth section you can learn what you needto know during pregnancy. In this section, pre-pregnancycounseling, antenal maintenance, changes in the mother's body, shopchanges, diet & weight gain, early pregnancy bleeding,threatened miscarriage, abortion, ectopic pregnancy, molarpregnancy, further bleeding during pregnancy, screening tests &rsik detection, gastasyonel diabetes screening issues There areabout Learn on.- FAMILY PLANNING -You can get information about family planning and contraceptivemethods section. In this section, birth control pills, birthcontrol ring, monthly injections, Implanon, RIA (Spiral), Mirana,emergency contraception methods, diaphragm, cervical cap, condom,tubal ligation, there is information about vasectomy.- INFERTILITY and IVF -With Infertility and IVF department can get knowledge about theproblem. In this section, vaccination (insemination) and providesinformation about in vitro fertilization.